Track, classify, organize, import tickets from Oildex, Excel, or a 3rd party. Calculate volumes, ticket values, and severance taxes...
Tickets are classed as purchases or sales. Price crude oil, gas or plant products on volume, energy equivalent, mileage, time or specific services, all at once or break them down. Unlimited re-pricing...
Calculate severance tax for federal and all state taxing authorities. Assign to a lease and calculate run ticket severance tax...
Invoice. Calculate payroll. Manage separate pay schedules. Track data on transporters, drivers, vehicles and trailers. Use 3rd party e-ticketing, import spreadsheets or enter manually. Works with most pay or expense types...
Produce statements for investors, Upload to the F.I.R.E. program. Produce filings for several states end of year. Extract reporting year’s payment records into the system extraction process. Pull single payee or all payees and more...
Claws contracts handles pricing and payment for purchase, sale, buy-sell and transportation transactions. Tied to a counterparty...
Decks contain NRI and GWI. Can allocate amounts less than 100% of total purchase. Apply to a single lease or all commodities. Exempt investors from severance tax or expenses. Reassign tax and expenses...
Accumulate monthly production by lease, commodity and production period. Allocate to investors using the investor ownership percentages. Manage suspense account. Reverse and re-book allocations...
Claws contains a wealth of reporting. Reports can be customized/filtered to allow the user to include all information since Claws inception, or as little as a single operator or ticket...
Customizable process exports batches of transactions to your GL. Produces AP and AR batches. Works with most GLs; GP Dynamics, QuickBooks, and WolfePak. Preserves export batches indefinitely...